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Archive for February 2013

Nicolaus Copernicus

Niklas Koppernigk (latin: Nicolaus Copernicus; Mikołaj Kopernik Polish, born in Toruń, February 19, 1473 - died in Frombork, May 24, 1543 at the age of 70 years) was an astronomer, mathematician and economist Polish nationals, who developed the theory of heliosentrisme (centered in sun) solar System in the form of detailed, so the theory is useful for science. He is also a church canon, governor and administrator, judge, astrologer, and healer. His theory of the Sun as the center of the Solar System, which overturns the traditional geocentric theory (that put the Earth at the center of the universe) is considered as one of the most important discoveries of all time, and is the fundamental starting point for modern astronomy and modern science (theory raises scientific revolution) . Theory affect many other aspects of human life. Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, founded in 1945, is named in his honor. "" There are some 'loudmouth' that seeks to criticize my work, but they do not know math, and to shamelessly distort the meaning of some verses from the Holy Scriptures to suit their purposes, they dare to criticize and attack my work: I do not worried whit to them, I will even booed their criticism as a reckless act. "' Nicolaus Copernicus wrote the words quoted above to Pope Paul III. Copernicus put the words in her groundbreaking work entitled On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres (the turnover ceiling balls), which was published in 1543. Regarding the views expressed in this work, Christoph Clavius​​, a Jesuit priest in the 16th century, said, "The theory of Copernicus contains many statements that are not unreasonable or wrong." German theologian Martin Luther, lamented, "The stupid it would mess up the whole science of astronomy".
February 22, 2013
Posted by Unknown

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