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Posted by : Unknown October 4, 2012

Presidential debates this time it was not strange for Barack Obama, this is his second time. Debate previous editions Obama won the election the number one in America. This time is different, the atmosphere is so hot that a capability where Obama questioned.
Main rival Mitt Romney this time, is an American businessman and politician who is the nominee of the Republican Party for President of the United States in the 2012 election.
With issues brought by both parties to make the debate this time is very very thick aroma competition. This is the beginning of a series of debates that will be undertaken by them before entering the arena that day's presidential election.
In his performance as president of the United States Obama is considered lucky because it has increased employment, but on the other hand is actually the United States economy is still stagnant. But the performance is not so good is a weapon for rival Mitt Romney to drop it.
Debate both candidates were clearly evident in statements from both sides about education in the United States alone. Obama assess all education is borne by the central government, while Romney argue that the cost of education is borne entirely by the state government.
This debate is not really that important if the community itself already has its own candidate.

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